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Showing posts from May, 2023

Pictures Of The Wild Pt.2: Hidden Among The Roots

Hello y'all! How are you? It has been a few weeks since my first episode of "Picture Of The Wild." So today, I'm going to show you a secret gem that is hidden in the wild.  I was taking a morning walk in the park when I accidentaly found this mushroom. From a distance, I saw a small white thing hidden among the roots of plants. I took a closer look, and realized it was a mushroom. It was very clean and bright, although everywhere around it is dirt and roots.  A beauty hidden among the roots, exiled from the world. Its trapped, and it can't show its beauty. It shined, but no one appreciated it.  What do you think?  I hope you love it! If you have advice or opinions, let me know in the comment section. Ciao for now!



Taste & See: Indonesia-Western Cuisine