Hello all my beloved friends! Welcome back to my blog! Now, you're going to read some tips from me, who is a lazy person that really likes to give advice on how to become productive. Seriously, my day is just eating, taking a bath, school, and sleep. Eating, taking a bath, and school only took 1 hour from 24 hours that I get in a day. The rest 23 hours I spent on sleeping :-) (a really fake smile). I'm just kidding 😄(not funny). I maybe lazy, but, I'm kind of learning on how to become productive. And I learn that mostly tiny things that made your huge day super unproductive. Well, these are few tips that I used to avoid such things! If you're curious, you may scrolled down!
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1. Remember What You Want To Do
I know, I know, this oftenly happened and I shouldn't asked if I knew the answer. But, have you ever opened your phone just to check what time is it, or just messages from your parents that only took 2 minutes to check, but you ended up never checking those stuff instead of watching TikTok or YouTube for the next 1 hour?
This is so annoying! That's why you should stayed conscious when you used your phone (aren't we conscious already?). A tips that I usually used is to not read notifications when you opened phone, you could check those notifications after you do what you actually have to do at the first time on your phone.
And, you should also choose what notifications that are actually important.
2. Bath after Breakfast
After you're taking a bath, doesn't it always felt so refreshing? That's why I'm doing bath after breakfast. Cuz if I do bath before breakfast, I don't know, the refreshment gone? You're excited already after taking bath. But then, food spilled onto your nice clothes, or the food just not that good. I would be super lazy to eat my food, and waste many times on daydreaming. If you're taking bath after breakfast, you can quickly do what you want after that.
Just sharing, when there was no pandemic, and schools are still offline. I always took bath before breakfast. Why? Because, if you're late, and you don't have the time to eat, you could aways packed your food. But if you're missing bath? Maybe you don't even have time to change from your pajamas to school uniforms, or even to brush those nasty smells 😑. Cause now schools are from home, I could basically change the schedule.
3. When You Used Your Boredom to Do Something Useless
This often happened to me! The stories always goes like this: I decided to take break from my homework. Then I played phone. I am bored watching YouTube, I've answered every messages, the point is I don't know what to do with my phone. There's actually one thing I could do: Continuing my homework, right? Yea, but that's not what break for! So, I kind of force myself to watched YouTube, or seeing my friends messages again and again, how pathetic....
I actually could do something that I never thought before. SLEEPING (but in a short period of times)! If I can't sleep, I usually just closed my eyes, hoping I was near a river (or any favorite places), then open my eyes! Reality kind of suck here, cause: "Yay, I'm back to my room?" But, my room kind of felt peaceful then, and I felt I don't need to sit near river to feel that. And I know I shouldn't just laying on my bed to waste that peaceful moment. You could also do other things like meditating, praying.
4. Don't Let One Plan Ruined Other Plans
So, this tiny annoying thing just happened to me yesterday 😒! I want to write a blog, but I am too lazy to opened my laptop. Cuz I don't felt like doing anything, I just do the normal activities, watching YouTube! Ya, I bet you know the next part.... I want to do new hairdo, but I'm too lazy to brush my hair. I want to learn French, but I am too lazy to opened the application on my laptop. Bla, bla, bla....
Tiny things that ruined your mood just made you felt lazy. So, if you had gigantic plan for the day, just started from simple plan. If one plan kind of lazy to do, quickly run to other plans. I always kept in mind that if I'm lazy to do all plans that I made, remember why I ever wrote those plans.
5. Use Holiday Effectively
People always said that it was ok to wake up late in holiday. Don't listened that! Maybe few times are fine, but don't do that every holiday. Cuz, you've been busy the whole 5 days, and you have holiday to do the things you can't do on those 5 days. So, before those two days passed (or other holidays), make sure you had used them effectively.
I hope you could relate your situations, and learn something from today's post. Thank You so much fro reading this post, see you on my next post! Baiii :-)!
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